The Christian religious rite of sprinkling water on to a person's forehead or of immersing them in water, symbolizing purification or regeneration and admission to the Christian Church. In many denominations, baptism is performed on young children and is accompanied by name-giving.
"the sacrament of baptism"
It is an act of obedience symbolizing the believer's faith in a crucified, buried, and risen Saviour, the believer's death to sin, the burial of the old life, and the resurrection to walk in newness of life in Christ Jesus. It is a testimony to the believer's faith in the final resurrection of the dead.

Book Title: Our Goodly Heritage: Distinctive Baptist Beliefs And Practices
Author: Israel O. Olaniyan, PhD
This book is call to Baptist distinctive beliefs, the teachings that distinguish Baptist. This work thus appears to be the core aspect of the book that responds to the historical, theological and practical ministry concerns of the people. The Baptist community and the larger Christian body should better understanding of these areas of the book. The following paragraphs from the chapters.
          In summary of Chapter 3, Salvation, Baptism and the Lord’s Supper are Baptists’ doctrinal believe. Baptist don’t just Baptist any candidate, except the one who has had salvation experience. Salvation experience is the bedrock of baptism and the Lord’s Supper, and all Baptist distinctive beliefs. The centrality of the trio of salvation, baptism and the Lord’s Supper to the Baptist faith is reflected in the architectural designs of Baptist church sanctuaries. Salvation is God’s act of delivering man from sin and serving him from presence, power and penalty of sin and evil. The Bible uses eight word pictures to explain salvation, they are, Regeneration (roman 1:18, 8:1), Sanctification (acts 26:18), Redemption (Ephesians 1:7, 1 peter 1:18), Justification (Romans 3:28, 5:1), Adoption (1 John 3:10), Eternal Life (John 3:14-16, 10:28). As Baptists, we believe that salvation is in three stages; Past, Present and Future. Baptism literally means to dip, submerge or immerse in water. Baptism is a symbolic demonstration of one’s religious conviction and the publicity of one’s personal faith in Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ was baptized by immersion (Mark 1:9-10). Baptism is a once-for-all event, which marks the entrance into a new life in Christ. It is obligatory and an ordinance because Christ did it and ordered it (Matthew 3:11-17, 28:19). Baptism has great significance they are: Believer’s baptism is central of the New Testament practice (Mark 16:16, Acts 8:35-38, Col 2:12, Matt 28:12); believer’s baptism helps to protect the generate character of the church life (Acts 2:47); it is baptism by immersion alone that dramatize the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ (Roman 6:3-5, Eph 4:5, Col 2:12) etc. The Lord’s Supper is a fellowship meal to commemorate the sacrificial death of the Lord Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, who took away the sins of humankind. The lord’s supper was instituted to remind believers of God’s saving work, the cost and resurrection, and thereby arouse deep appreciation for the same (1 Corin 11:24-25). The elements of the Lord’s suppers are unleavened bread and wine. It significance are; the once-for-all deliverance of mankind from sin and shame, it give opportunity to preach the gospel, it is a symbol of the unity of the church; it is a reminder of the second coming of Jesus Christ; it affords opportunity to stray believers; it is a reminder of the new covenant. The Lord’s Supper should be observed in the context of total worship. It should not be an addendum.
          In summary of chapter 4, priesthood of all Believers is one of the age distinctive heritages of the Baptists. The doctrine of priesthood of all believers is the teaching or beliefs that all believers are priests. This teaching is bible based, Christ centered and life applied. Our priestly role is to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God (1 peter 2:56). It also implies that every believer is a representative of Christ wherever they are located and that they have a ministry to carry out there. It demands priestly lifestyles from all members, life of holiness and total devotion. It requires that every member ministers/serve Christ wherever he/she finds him/herself. Thus, the dichotomy of the sacred and the secular is broken. It involves having a rethink and exchange of role. Instead of expecting a professionally trained person (pastor) to do the ministry on behalf of members; members do ministry having been equipped by the professional trained person. When the doctrine of the priesthood of all believers is rightly understood and practiced, it enhances holistic church growth (numerical, spiritual, evangelical, etc.).
          In summary of chapter 8, autonomy of the local church is a distinctive Baptist Heritage that is clearly based on the authoritative word of God, the Bible. Autonomy of the local church is one of the legacies handed down from past generations of the Baptist faith. Autonomy of a local church therefore is the rights, privileges and responsibilities of a group of baptized believers in a contiguous location to govern themselves and direct their affairs in-house under Christ without any outside human interference. Local church autonomy without cooperation is an aberration. The biblical truth of the autonomy of the local church will work only as each member and pastor of the local church respond positively to the leadership of the Head, Jesus Christ. Local church autonomy will certainly be abused in a congregation with unregenerate members or with members who are not growing on the Lord.
          In summary chapter 10, decision-making is church council and church business meetings. We are responsible to God for every decision we make both individually and corporately. As the body of Christ, church decisions must be made in godly ways. God has sent standard for this in the Scriptures. Therefore, church decision-making process must follow biblical patterns.
          In summary of chapter 12, this is an appraisal of the “call system” in the Nigeria Baptist Convention, it genesis, merits, demerits and contemporary challenges have been discussed. A number of recommendations have been proffered. In spite of the challenges, the “call system” is one of our goodly heritages, which we must not throw into the dustbin. We only need to restudy and rebrand it. Central location and transfer of pastors is alien to Baptist heritage and it is a violation of Baptist cherished doctrine of the autonomy of the local church. The pastor serves and acts as representative of the church. Since no one has the right to represent other people without their approval, a congregation mist approve the officer who is to act for it. This is the principle that informs Baptist practice of a church choosing and transferring pastors to local churches violates this principle and must not be allowed again in our midst.
          In summary, pastoral leadership is biblical, historical and sociological. The office of the pastor is a sacred office. Whoever holds the office does not represent himself. He represents God. He should be given the honour due the one represent. They should carry out the assignment given them faithfully. They should match up their charisma with godly character. The church and the pastor members have to make major adjustments to do this. Nothing short of this will glorify God.
          In summary, the venture into Multi-staff ministry is a worthwhile venture. Pastors should consider working ion a multi-staff ministry set up. Few instances of personality clashes should not discourage ministers from working together as men and women of God. Multi-staff ministry is a blessing to the church, Association, Conference and the convention; all should embrace it.
          In summary, Deacon’s ministry is a required ministry in New Testament Church. It is a ministry that arose out of a circumstantial need of the early church. Such needs are multiplying today, thus the imperative of deacon’s ministry today. Deacon’s ministry is not just for anybody. There are set prerequisites to be met. Selection of deacons is procedurally congregational. Their ordination is the prerogative of the pastor. The service of a deacon is not for life. New Testament evidence indicates a limited time. The primary duty of deacons is caring for the welfare of church members and the pastor(s). the goal of deacon’s ministry is church’s holistic growth.
          Deacons are spiritual servant-leaders elected by churches primarily for the caring (social) ministry of the church. Their selection, election and ordination are local church affair.